FDNY EMT faked 911 call to avoid traveling to sick kid: officials

  • Source: new york post
  • Published: 10/12/2015 12:00 AM

A Queens EMT who was dispatched to Brooklyn for a sick toddler used a pay phone to call 911 with a fake emergency closer to his post in a pathetic attempt to avoid the cross-borough schlep, officials said on Friday. William Medina, 27, had just dropped off a patient at a hospital on Aug. 19 when he got the call for the ill child, according to the Department of Investigation. But instead of rushing to the scene, he rushed to the nearest pay phone — where he told a 911 operator a man was going into cardiac arrest at 74th Street and Roosevelt Avenue, just 10 blocks from where he was stationed. He even tried to make the “emergency” seem like a higher priority than the sick kid by claiming that the man was not breathing and could possibly be dead, according to DOI officials.


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