Central New York fire department wearing bullet proof vests on calls

  • Source: WSTM-TV NBC3-CNY Central
  • Published: 09/02/2016 12:00 AM

It's been almost four years since first responders to a fire in Webster, outside Rochester were ambushed as they arrived to help. Four firefighters were shot and two of them killed. Since then, we've seen attacks on other first responders including police officers in cities all over the country. Now, one fire department in Central New York is taking new action by wearing bullet proof vests capable of stopping a high powered rifle. Manlius Fire Department Lieutenant Chris Halliday says emergency personnel are welcoming the added layer of protection. "Everyone wants to be protected on these calls when we're walking up to a dark home or a dark apartment at three in the morning," said Lt. Halliday. Chief Brad Pinsky says recent violence across the country is what made him look into it in the first place. "So our fire and EMS are arriving 5, 10, 15 minutes ahead of law enforcement and we have no way to protect ourselves - except for defensively and these vests are a defensive measure," Chief Pinsky said,


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