Wendell Foster in Daviess County hosts first responders BBQ

  • Source: WFIE 14 News
  • Published: 07/20/2018 12:00 AM

First responders got a big thank you in the form of Barbecue Wendell Foster in Owensboro held a free lunch for all emergency personnel in the community. It not only was a thank you for what first responders do but also gave a residents chance to interact with police, firefighters, and paramedics outside of an emergency situation. Employees with Wendell Foster say they have emergency personnel there almost weekly for different health calls. So to have them there just to get to know the resident was an important piece of a better relationship. "They appreciate them so much, and they just really wanted to make it, like you said, non-emergency just very casual," Tessa Wilkerson, the organizer and an intern with Wendell Foster, said. "We wanted to just hang out and spend time with them."


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