Cincinnati: 'Healthy Heroes' group fundraising to protect firefighters' health

  • Source: WCPO-TV ABC 9 Cincinnati
  • Published: 02/21/2018 02:08 PM

Firefighters face dangers like extreme heat, falling debris and collapsing structures. The other dangers they face may be less obvious. Kerry Roe, president of accounting firm Clark Schaefer Hackett, said firefighters also face "unseen risks" like cancer from chemicals and toxins. Now, the Healthy Heroes program is helping to counter that. Clark Schaefer Hackett is hoping to help raise $80,000 to buy decontamination units for local fire departments. Supporters of the decontamination units say they work. "Use your body's natural detoxification -- sweat -- to get these chemicals out of your body in a very expedited way so we hope this could contribute to their long-term health," Roe said.


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