
Deputy Fire Chief

Deputy Fire Chief

Location: Bishop, CA

The City of Bishop is accepting applications for the position of Deputy Fire Chief. The Deputy Fire Chief performs highly responsible administrative and operational work, responsible for strategic public safety/emergency services activities. This position functions as second-in-command of the fire department and acts on behalf of the Fire Chief in the Chief's absence or at the Chief's direction. Assists the Fire Chief with complex supervisory, administrative, and professional work in the operations of the department. Work includes planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling all day-today functions of the Department, including supervising fire operations, emergency medical services, communications, information technology, logistics, apparatus and facilities maintenance and procurement, and emergency management /homeland security. Responds to emergencies as a command officer, duty chief or first responder. The salary is currently fixed at $116,592 per year. The City of Bishop offers a generous benefit package that includes health, dental, vision, vacation and retirement benefits. Applications and job descriptions are available at or at Bishop City Hall, 377 West Line Street.

For More Information, Click The Links Below:

Deputy Fire Chief Announcement

Deputy Fire Chief Job Description

Website Job Posting

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