Emergency Technical Decon Becomes First Fully Verified to the NFPA 1851-2020 Standard ISP Utilizing CO2 Technologies
Published: 10/12/2021
Author: Chief Mike Duyck (Ret.), President, Emergency Technical Decon

Firefighters encounter multiple carcinogens, frequently at dangerous levels, and the danger doesn’t end when the job is done. Toxic molecules can accumulate after multiple incomplete cleaning attempts and build up over time. In fact, research has shown that the typical detergent/water extractor wash performed on firefighter’s PPE was found to be 15-40% effective in removing SVOCs and PAHs. ETD's innovative approach not only extends the life of the gear, its removal rate of fire ground toxins and carcinogens is more than double the amount of what is observed through traditional water-washing techniques.

Learn more about how the NFPA certification moves ETD forward in its mission to reduce firefighter occupational cancer. For information about ETD, firefighter turnout and PPE cleaning and decontamination, go to https://www.etdecon.com/


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