Florida fire & rescue company the first in the country to use new technology

  • Source: Spectrum Bay News 9 - Metered Site
  • Published: 07/12/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Southern Manatee Fire & Rescue is the first in the country to use a one-of-a-kind piece of equipment that aids in emergencies. In collaboration with NASA and the company Squishy Robotics, the robot device is designed to reduce response time and keep first responders safe. The co-founder of Squishy Robotics says the robot was initially intended for planetary exploration, but an alternative use was found. “It provides a rapid initial assessment and a better understanding of a situation before they enter,” said Deniz Dogruer, the co-founder of Squishy robotics. Rich Gatanis, a HAZMAT technician with the department, has had the chance to see the device in person. “I’m checking all the equipment, making sure it’s in working order every day. We have to put hands on everything,” the 20-year firefighter said.


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