2023 was the busiest year in the Tucson Fire Department's history

  • Source: KVOA-TV NBC 4 Tucson
  • Published: 08/02/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO/PHOTOS: The Tucson Fire Department has released its annual report and 2023 was the busiest in the fire department's 140 year history. The department itself ran more than 103,000 calls, with the overwhelming majority being medical related. They responded to more than 300 structure fires where crews had to actively get involved to put out the fire with their heavy duty equipment. That is also an increase from previous years. The one thing they are most proud of is what they call "life years added" back to the community. Tucson Fire chief, Chuck Ryan said, "Tucson Fire's cardiac arrest survival rate out of hospital survival rate that is, is among the highest in the nation. It is by far the highest in the state of Arizona and last year alone during the calendar year 23 we had 66 people who our crews encountered who were in cardiac arrest upon our arrival meaning no pulse and no breathing."


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