First responders take part in water rescue training in Greenville

  • Source: WITN-TV NBC 7 Greenville
  • Published: 08/29/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: A water rescue training Wednesday at Wildwood Park in Greenville helped prepare first responders in the event of emergencies. Representatives and first responders from Greenville Fire/Rescue, North Carolina Highway Patrol and other agencies, took part in water and shore based exercise, including victim retrieval and CPR. Sean Johnson with NC Highway Patrol says the training has become mandatory for rescue members to ensure readiness in cases of flooding and storms. Johnson says, “So, we saw the importance of that need in the early 2000's, got everybody trained up, issued the equipment. That way if they ever do get deployed, or I should say when they do get deployed, they will have the skill set and equipment to help mitigate any emergency they come in contact with.”


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