Three Raleigh homes damaged by fire caused by lightning strike

  • Source: WRAL-TV NBC 5 Raleigh
  • Published: 08/30/2024 10:05 PM

VIDEO: A lightning strike caused a fire on Friday afternoon that damaged three homes in a Raleigh neighborhood, a Raleigh Fire Department spokesperson says. Around 75 firefighters and multiple fire trucks responded to the scene on Silver View Lane, where smoke and damage were visible from one of the homes. "I heard the loudest crack of thunder to my left and I knew something got struck," Liz Perkins, a neighbor said. "Then about five minutes later, at the most, I saw a firetruck come running down our street." The fire department spokesperson confirmed that no one was injured, but six people have been displaced due to the fire. Another neighbor, Sabrina Lonigra, who was working from home during the storm, rushed outside as soon as she saw the flames.


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