Concord firefighter called to help departments in need

  • Source: Spectrum News 1 - Metered Site
  • Published: 09/24/2024 12:00 AM

A Concord firefighter with a heart to help others is making a difference in the fire service for Latin American countries. Gilberto Meza-Corral first learned of a fatal fire in Paraguay in 2015. “The guys fall into the silo because they didn’t have personal protection equipment. They didn’t have a breathing apparatus they were kind of in plain clothes," Meza-Corral said. He describes feeling discouraged and upset after first learning of what happened, and says the fire service is a brotherhood that crosses state and international lines. “So I read the article and it says South America, Paraguay. Thirty-five hundred miles away from home, but what it got me is that the son of a fire chief died in that incident,” Meza-Corral said.


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