VIDEO: On the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, the Nevada Veteran's Coalition hosted a remembrance ceremony at the North Lyon County Fire Protection District.
Exactly 508 flags were displayed for the 508 first responders lost on September 11, 2001. Some of those 508 flags include the forty-four United Airlines Flight 93 passengers who took back control of the aircraft from hijackers and crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania to avoid a fourth catastrophe.
“It’s easy to forget a name, especially when there’s so many of them, so we keep these flags and we keep these events so that people remember that there are people willing to sacrifice their lives for complete strangers," said NLCFPD Fire Chief Jason Nicholl. Major General Ondra L. Berry delivered the final speech of the ceremony, paying tribute to first responders everywhere and focusing on how remembering September 11th can bring unity to the country.