Talent streets lined with sunflowers in remembrance of the Almeda Fire

  • Source: KDRV-TV ABC 12 Medford
  • Published: 09/09/2024 12:00 AM

Hundreds of flowers lined the streets of Talent today in memorial of the fourth anniversary of the Almeda Fire. Being done by volunteers to bring a smile to the face of Talentonians, for many of whom today represent the loss of a home and for some, a loved one. The act of community exemplifies the town motto “Talent Strong”, with remembrance being a way for the community to heal through the trauma. “It's good to talk about it because you don't get through trauma without talking it through and working your way through it.” Said Talent resident Rebecca Weathers. The community has been rebuilding since the fire broke out, and continues to recover years later. With buildings being rebuilt, and a sense of comfort slowly coming back into the community, through acts of compassion such as this.


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