Volunteer fire company in Lycoming County devastated by tropical storm Debby

  • Source: WNEP-TV ABC 16 Scranton
  • Published: 08/12/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Cleanup is underway at the Trout Run Volunteer Fire Company after their home base suffered a devastating loss as a result of tropical storm Debby. "This is a tributary to Lycoming Creek, and this came through and undercut the fire hall and the entire embankment and collapsed the road," said Peter Swift, Camp Director at Camp Susque. The water ripped through Route 14 in front of the fire company. "Not a small or easy thing to fix," said Swift. The Trout Run Volunteer Fire Company suffered so much damage during the flood that half of the building is now condemned. "We went across the bridge, and at that point, things started going south. The water started jamming up the logs and propane tanks. I mean, it just kept coming, then the bridge finally went," said Trout Run Fire Chief Nick Smith.


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