Johnson Fire in Montana grows to 4,499 acres

  • Source: NBC Montana
  • Published: 09/05/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTO: An overnight flight over the Johnson Fire shows 174 acres of growth to bring the fire's total acreage to 4,499. Mappers noted the following: "Most of the growth and intense heat was in the SW near the wilderness boundary, in what appears to be burnouts along the ridge in the NE, and on little spot along the east SE side. Very little growth or intense heat other than those areas. There is a lot of scattered and isolated heat in throughout the perimeter with some cool areas intermixed." The fire is located in the Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness near the community of Springer. More than 200 personnel were on scene on Wednesday, according to Inciweb. The fire is 0% contained.


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