Rock County business up and running after devastating fire

  • Source: WKOW-TV ABC 27 Madison
  • Published: 09/13/2024 12:00 AM

Morrison's Auto Parts is up and running as usual after a fire destroyed one building on the property. The fire broke out at the salvage yard around 6:15 a.m. Wednesday. It started in one of the metal buildings where employees dismantle cars. From there, the fire began to swallow the building, causing the roof to collapse and the walls to cave in. Assessors ruled the building as a total loss, amounting to about $2 million in damages. When fire crews tried to put the fire out, Mother Nature took over. "It had gotten up in the attic. There was a nice breeze out of the south, so it just pushed it right through the building, and we just couldn't get it stopped, which is really unfortunate," said Lakeside Fire-Rescue Chief Randy Pickering. Lakeside was one of around 12 departments that responded to the fire.


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