'You feel violated:' Thieves target another fire station in Washington state, steal chainsaws and other tools

  • Source: KOMO-TV ABC 4 Seattle
  • Published: 02/01/2022 12:00 AM

VIDEO: Another fire station has been hit by thieves. First in Oso and now in Acme. In both cases the thieves stole the exact same fire equipment. Whatcom County District 16's Chief is warning other fire houses Monday night. "This is the people's stuff and they took our stuff and it's like when someone comes into your house unwelcomed, you feel violated," said Hank Maleng, Fire Chief for Whatcom County Fire District 16. That violation hit deep early Saturday night when volunteer fire crews responding to an emergency call discovered their fire station broken into, every fire truck ransacked and life saving equipment gone. "They had everything open, every door on every piece of apparatus open," Maleng said. "This is where chain saws used to sit."


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