Tennessee firefighter DNA powers 9/11 research

  • Source: AXIOS Nashville
  • Published: 03/15/2022 12:00 AM

DNA from more than 200 Nashville firefighters was used to study the long-term health of 9/11 first responders at the World Trade Center. A new study featuring research from Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) used the samples to determine 9/11 first responders were more likely than their peers to have a genetic mutation that can cause blood cancers or cardiovascular disease. Why it matters: The study, published last week, harnessed the power of VUMC's massive DNA database that includes samples donated by some 300,000 unique patients. How it works: Patients who opt to participate in the database program, called BioVU, have DNA collected from leftover blood samples. Samples are de-identified and cannot be traced back to an individual person, although some of the anonymous patients' characteristics, including occupation, are logged to help researchers track trends.


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