The Texas fire station where the afterlife shift never ends

  • Source: KFOX-TV FOX 14 El Paso
  • Published: 11/01/2023 12:00 AM

VIDEO/PHOTOS: As night falls over El Paso on a spine-chilling Halloween, there sits El Paso Fire Station No. 9. “It's over 100 years old, and we are haunted," said Jesse Esterline, EPFD Firefighter at station No. 9. Now, this station isn't like most. It's home to one of the oldest ghost stories in the department's history. In fact, the haunted station made its way onto 10 of America's most haunted fire stations, ranking in at number six on a list compiled by FireRescue1, an online industry resource for firefighters. Generations of firefighters come and go as they serve the city of El Paso, but there's one whose legend chooses to linger on. “If you're here long enough you become a believer," said Esterline. Woodard Bloxom was a captain at Station No. 9 back in 1930.


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