Osprey nest sits atop the Delaware fire company siren

  • Source: WRDE-LD NBC 31 Salisbury
  • Published: 04/25/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTOS: A pair of osprey have returned to nest atop the Rehoboth Beach Fire Company siren. Osprey have been nesting atop the siren for the past several years. Osprey are migratory raptors that go south during the winter and live along our coast during the warmer months. Osprey also are known to mate for life, so it is likely the current pair is the same pair that have nested on the siren in previous years. Recently, deterrents had been placed atop the siren and a nearby tower to keep the osprey away. A traffic cone had been placed atop the siren while fake owls had been placed in several spots on the nearby tower. Looking beneath the nest, large piles of debris can be seen on a patio behind the fire company.


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