VIDEO: Massive fire engulfs 3 homes in Georgia, forcing evacuations

  • Source: Atlanta News First
  • Published: 02/09/2024 12:00 AM

Families were forced out of their homes after a massive fire broke out early Friday morning in DeKalb County. DeKalb Fire crews responded just after 4 a.m. They say flames ripped through three homes on the 1000 block of Lenox Park Boulevard NE in Brookhaven. Officials say these are large homes that are very close together. “Inside the space is so compact, I don’t know if when you guys arrived you saw we had units parked in the street. We just didn’t want everybody bottlenecking in the inside. So, it’s very limited space-wise,” said Christopher Morrison, assistant fire chief for DeKalb Fire and Rescue. Atlanta News First spoke with the homeowner of the house that first caught fire. She told us that she and her husband were at their lake house when her Ring security camera app went off.


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