Close calls with drivers are on the rise, Connecticut firefighters say

  • Source: WFSB-TV CBS 3 Hartford
  • Published: 05/22/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: The Torrington firefighter’s union said there has been a troubling trend across the state. It said drivers have been disregarding the “move over” law. On Monday, a firefighter was hurt on a scene when a driver drove over a wire and entangled him, according to Local 1567 IAFF Torrington Fire Department. Firefighters also said that on May 8, the same engine company was almost struck by a motorcyclist on Route 8. Torrington firefighters urged the public to slow down and exercise caution when an emergency vehicle is along the side of the road. Connecticut’s “Move Over” law has been described as one of the strongest in the country, according to first responders and lawmakers. It requires motorists to slow down and move over for any vehicle along the side of the road, not just emergency vehicles.


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