13 residents displaced after downtown Phoenix apartment fire

  • Source: KTAR-FM 92.3 Glendale
  • Published: 05/16/2024 12:00 AM

PHOTO: Thirteen people were displaced after a fire raged through a Phoenix apartment complex on Wednesday afternoon, authorities said. The fire burned nine apartment units near Seventh and Garfield streets, the Phoenix Fire Department said. The apartment complex is between Fillmore and Roosevelt streets. Firefighters responded to the scene just before 1 p.m., authorities said. Multiple units fought the flames, laying supply lines and deploying handlines into the various apartment units. No civilians or firefighters were injured, authorities said. Fire investigators were on the scene to determine what caused the fire as of 1:40 p.m. The community assistance program is working with the 13 apartment residents who were displaced, authorities said.


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