Maricopa Fire only agency in state to use emergency heat funds in 2023

  • Source:
  • Published: 05/21/2024 12:00 AM

With the mercury climbing in recent days, contributing to an unprecedented number of wildfires around Maricopa, local agencies need all the help they can get. Maricopa Fire and Medical Department knows this to be true. That’s why it took advantage of state-issued emergency funds during last year’s record-breaking heat wave. But surprisingly, it was the only department among three eligible counties to apply for the assistance, according to the Arizona Republic. Gov. Katie Hobbs declared a state of emergency for Maricopa, Pinal and Coconino counties Aug. 11. This allowed local governments access to $200,000 in emergency funds to help cover the costs of response to the emergency. Only MFMD took advantage, said city spokesperson Monica Williams.


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