Glendale Fire Department partners with HeartFit

  • Source: The Glendale Star
  • Published: 05/22/2024 12:00 AM

The Glendale City Council recently approved a linking agreement between the Glendale Fire Department and HeartFit For Duty — a medical practice that specializes in the early detection and prevention of heart attacks and strokes in the firefighter population. “The primary purpose (of the partnership) is to provide the Glendale Fire Department with a doctor and staff that understand the unique challenges and needs of the fire response,” said Kyle Borg, public information officer for Glendale Fire Department. “They only work specifically with public safety, and they have that thorough knowledge of the health challenges and what we need to be taken care of physically so that we’re able to provide the best service to the citizens and visitors in the city of Glendale.”


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