Three men honored with award for saving man from burning car in Peoria

  • Source: KTVK-TV CBS 3 & KPHO-TV CBS 5 Phoenix (AZ Family)
  • Published: 05/23/2024 01:17 AM

VIDEO: The Peoria Fire-Medical Department honored three men with a ‘Life-Saving’ award on Wednesday afternoon. The fire department says two friends and a Goodyear Police detective stepped in to pull a man to safety after a crash on May 9. Multiple cars collided that night at the intersection of Grand Avenue and 91st Avenue. Peoria Fire Chief Gary Bernard said the men were courageous for stopping and helping people who were hurt. “The car was burnt to a crisp. Saved that life that day. Amazing jobs by this individuals,” Bernard said. “Courage is doing something when you are fearful. Fantastic job to all these folks.” Goodyear Police Det. Bengt Erickson said he was heading home after his shift. He heard the crash, stopped and got out to check on the people who were hurt. Peoria police say two people were seriously hurt.


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