Lightning sparks Chitty fire on Clifton Ranger District

  • Source: Arizona Emergency Information Network
  • Published: 05/24/2024 12:00 AM

The lightning caused Chitty fire, discovered on May 22, 2024, is located approximately one mile south of Forest Road 54 and one mile west of the Blue Vista overlook on Highway 191. The one-acre Chitty fire ignited in a pocket of unburned fuels within the East Eagle prescribed fire project area that was implemented between mid-April and early May, 2024. The Chitty fire is in steep, rugged, inaccessible terrain in a side drainage of Chitty Canyon. It will be monitored daily by firefighting personnel to ensure that it stays within the boundaries of the East Eagle prescribed fire project area. There are no threats to communities, infrastructure, or values at risk currently. To provide for public safety, visitors should use caution while recreating in the area. Smoke will be visible from Highway 191 and the Blue Vista overlook.


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