How ash falling from wildfires can help future predictions of extreme fire weather

  • Source: KXTV ABC 10 Sacramento
  • Published: 10/10/2021 09:38 AM

In the last five years, California has had the largest, most destructive and deadliest wildfires in state history. But a new program is working toward understanding extreme wildfire behavior by using the public's photos. Over the past decade, fires have been creating their own weather including thunderstorms, extreme winds and even tornadoes. Neil Lareau, an extreme fire weather researcher with the University of Nevada Reno (UNR), said this is becoming a vicious cycle in the warming, drying climate — a link they don't fully understand. Lareau said worsening fires create extremely dangerous conditions for firefighters and the public. It also makes it more difficult for firefighters to get ahead of fires like they've been able to do in the past.


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