San Jose Fire Department 'boot camp' hopes to recruit more women firefighters

  • Source: KTVU-TV FOX 2 Oakland
  • Published: 05/17/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: San Jose firefighter Stephanie Cerini polished a fire truck at Fire Station 14 in West San Jose on Thursday, where she serves, metaphorically, as an island in a sea of men. She joined the department over a decade ago, as a wide-eyed teenager, drawn to this type of work. "I had no idea what the job entailed. One of my friends had mentioned that there’s an explorer program and I decided to join that, and it became something that I’m very passionate about," she said. The San Jose Fire Department hopes to spark a similar passion in others when, on Saturday, it hosts its fifth annual Women’s Boot Camp. The one-day event is open to women, including those non-binary, gender-non-conforming, and trans women in the community. Seventy-five women, ages 18-to-24 have already signed up.


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