Fire destroys garage north of Greenfield

  • Source: Greenfield Daily Reporter
  • Published: 09/13/2019 07:31 PM

A fire tore through a garage in a neighborhood just north of Greenfield Friday evening but firefighters prevented it from spreading to the house. Firefighters responded to the blaze in the 3600 block of Lakewood Drive at about 6:13 p.m. Tamera Petty, the homeowner and resident, said she was sitting on her back porch when she smelled something burning. When she made her way over to the front of her property, she saw the garage was on fire, she said. Joe Douglas, who lives across the street from Petty, said he was driving home when he saw flames on the west side of the garage. He said he saw Petty distraught in her side yard and her dog tied to a leash near the garage. He got the dog and went over to Petty, who handed him her phone so he could talk to the emergency dispatcher.


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