Flooding in Jefferson County leaves neighborhoods near Lake Perry without running water

  • Source: WIBW-TV 13
  • Published: 06/03/2019 04:52 PM

Flooding has left hundreds of people in a community near Lake Perry without running water. With the water pumps not working, residents have relied on the fire department filling the tank at the pump house to have running water for a couple hours each day. That’s until a few days ago, when that option, too, ran dry. "We have no running water at all, in any of the residences here,” Jerry White, board president of Lakeside Village, said. Lakeside Village officials say pumps that provide water to the neighborhood stopped working a month ago. "You have to go to somebody's house to shower,” Katelyn Hodge, a resident of the neighborhood, said. “Laundry, you either pay like ten, 15 dollars to do all your laundry at a laundry mat or drive to somebody's house. Washing dishes, it's impossible." The pumps are 20 feet underwater due to recent flooding, and may not be fixed for at least two more months.


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