Horton man's survival shows importance of knowing CPR

  • Source: WIBW-TV CBS 13
  • Published: 02/13/2020 08:12 PM

VIDEO: Zach Nelson loves his job teaching physical education at Horton Elementary. "I love coaching, especially around little kids," he said. "It can be chaotic but it's fun." In the chaos are some serious lessons about keeping your heart strong and healthy living. Zach understands those lessons in a whole different way now. It happened January 22, 2017 - the same day Royals' pitcher Yordano Ventura died in a car wreck. "I was sitting in my office and heard that and thought wow - then this happened to me later that night," he recalls. Zach was a special education teacher at the time, living in the small town of Victoria, Kan. He spent the day doing paperwork, played a basketball game, then went home to work some more.


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