Louisville first responders remember 9/11 victims on 20th anniversary

  • Source: WAVE-TV NBC 3 Louisville
  • Published: 09/13/2021 12:00 AM

VIDEO: “Attention all companies, attention all companies, today we lower our flags to half-staff and pause for a moment of silence to honor the memory of all the firefighters and first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice responding to the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.” That call resounded across every emergency radio in the metro, to honor those who lost their lives 20 years ago. “We have an opportunity every single day to do better, be better, and to build a better world,” Ky. Gov. Andy Beshear said. “Those we lost on 9/11 believed that so strongly.” Dignitaries and firefighters paused to remember the nearly 3,000 people who were killed in the attacks. They took a moment to especially remember those first responders who bravely served that day. In total, 412 first responders were killed.


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