Mother, daughter died of carbon monoxide poisoning in Baker apartment fire

  • Source: Baton Rouge Advocate
  • Published: 04/14/2019 02:32 PM

A mother and daughter found dead Saturday after an apartment fire in Baker were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning, East Baton Rouge Coroner Dr. Beau Clark said Sunday. Clark identified the victims as Dominique Holden, 34, and Iyona Holden, 8. Flames engulfed their apartment in the 5000 block of Baker Boulevard overnight between Friday and Saturday, authorities said. The mother and daughter died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The coroner ruled their manner of death an accident. The Brownsfield Fire Department responded to the fire just before 6:30 a.m. Saturday, but when they arrived, the flames were already extinguished. Fire damage was limited.


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