Kenner residents concerned about fire station location, new airport traffic

  • Source: WVUE-TV FOX 8
  • Published: 05/11/2019 04:49 AM

VIDEO: As construction continues for the access road to the new airport terminal in Kenner, there’s no trace of the old fire station that used to stand there. The land the city of Kenner purchased for a new fire station is less than half a mile away, but residents are quick to point out the problem. “Everybody feels the same way. If a fire breaks out, how they going to get to us? By the time they get to us, we’re going to be ashes,” said Annette Tobias. Tobias’ house sits south of the interstate where the old fire station used to stand. She and neighbor Jessica Clark fear that if one of their homes goes up in flames, fire crews will be fighting interstate traffic and new airport traffic once it opens. “Me, I have small kids, so if my house catches fire, I have to get my kids out safely before the fire truck even gets over here,” said Clark.


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