'They weep too': How first responders cope after traumatic events like Lafayette plane crash

  • Source: Baton Rouge Advocate
  • Published: 01/06/2020 01:43 PM

First responders regularly witness traumatic events in ways most people don't experience even once in a lifetime. Although they're trained for the job, sometimes what they experience stays with them long after the incident. The Dec. 28 plane crash in Lafayette that claimed five lives and critically injured two more is a prime example of such an event. "This was a terrible tragedy," said Dee Dee Sewell, critical support intervention coordinator for Acadian Ambulance. "And it would not be unusual for the first responders, especially those who were directly involved in patient rescue, recovery and transport, or who remained on the scene for an extended length of time, to experience troublesome emotional reactions." Dozens of people were involved in the rescue and recovery efforts that took place the morning of Dec. 28 near the intersection of Verot School and Feu Follet roads in Lafayette.


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