Water rescues continue on the Northshore after heavy rain floods homes, cars

  • Source: WWL-TV CBS 4 New Orleans
  • Published: 05/15/2020 04:59 AM

The Ponchatoula Fire Department deployed swift water rescue boats in the Bedico Meadows subdivision to rescue residents after heavy rain flooded homes and cars late Thursday. Homeowners are now assessing the damage Friday morning after the rising Bedico Creek flooded homes and left them with no way out. The creek overflowed and blocked CC Road, cutting off access to the neighborhood. Some residents said they had a foot or more of water in their homes while others got trapped in flooded cars trying to evacuate. At least one car was pushed off the road. Video from a WWL-TV viewer shows floodwater high enough to get into cars, nearly reaching the door handles of a sedan parked in a driveway. Residents tell WWL-TV that the Bedico Creek has flooded in the past, but homes are typically spared from floodwaters.


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