Follow-up: First responders 'hope for the best, plan for the worst' for Formula 1 drivers, guests at Las Vegas Grand Prix

  • Source: KTNV-TV ABC 13 Las Vegas
  • Published: 11/17/2023 12:47 AM

VIDEO: As the excitement builds for the Formula 1 race hitting our valley this weekend, our local hospitals and first responders are taking proactive steps to ensure the safety of the drivers and hundreds of thousands of fans. Alison McKnickle, vice chief of trauma at UMC, shares insights into her team's extensive preparations over the last several months. Their motto: "Hope for the best, plan for the worst." “The trauma unit and the entire University Medical Center have worked on preparing for a potential incident involving formula participants or the community," she said. The Clark County Fire Department, led by Fire Chief John Steinbeck, ensures on-track and event operations run smoothly. Steinbeck emphasized their responsibility for medical assistance, fire response, and extrication assistance.


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