Firefighters called to second-alarm fire in Union County

  • Source: WBRE-TV NBC 28 Wilkes-Barre
  • Published: 02/12/2024 10:13 AM

Firefighters were called to battle a second-alarm fire in Union County Monday morning. Around 2:00 a.m. Monday, officials say first responders were called to the 100 block of Stone Haven Road, West Buffalo Township, for a reported house fire. The Mifflinburg Hose Company said they encountered heavy fire upon arrival and upgraded the fire to a second-alarm response. Fire crews established a fill site while other crews assisted with putting out the fire, according to firefighters. Crews said they remained on the scene for about two hours before leaving. No one was reported injured. The Red Cross was called but there is no word on if their services were needed. A state police fire marshal was called to the scene. The cause of the fire is unknown at this time.


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