Fire drives family out of Wilkes-Barre home

  • Source: WNEP-TV ABC 16 Scranton
  • Published: 05/11/2024 08:18 AM

Fire forced a family out of their home in Wilkes-Barre on Saturday morning. The first reports of the fire on McLean Street in the city came in around 5:30 a.m. The fire chief says three people were inside the home at the time. They all made it out safely. A dog and a cat are also okay. One of the residents was awake at the time and heard the smoke detectors going off. The flames apparently started in the attic. Newswatch 16 found smoke coming out of the roof. There is no word yet about what sparked the flames. No one was hurt and the Red Cross is helping the people who lived here after that fire in Wilkes-Barre.


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