3 escape house fire near 27th and Melvina in Milwaukee

  • Source: WDJT-TV CBS 58 Milwaukee
  • Published: 12/17/2019 06:57 AM

Firefighters battled a house fire near 27th and Melvina Monday night. Milwaukee police responded to meet the Milwaukee Fire Department around 6:02 p.m. Police say three adults escaped from the blaze unharmed, but the home is a total loss. Witnesses say they heard a loud bang, and then saw huge flames coming out of the building. People in the area says it's a sad scene to see, especially since it's nearing the holidays. "It was actually huge...that I can feel the heat from there to here, so I'm about a couple of houses away from there, so I kind of felt the heat," said witness Reginald Bufford. Milwaukee fire and police blocked off the street in every direction for hours. Family members of some of the victims say it was scary to know their loved ones were in one of the buildings, but they're glad they made it out safely.


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