Wisconsin's EMS workers worry they're being left out of vaccine rollout

  • Source: WISN-TV ABC 12 Milwaukee
  • Published: 12/28/2020 07:04 PM

As of Sunday, about 39,500 Wisconsinites had already received the coronavirus vaccine, but state emergency medical responders are concerned they've been left out. Firefighters and ambulances respond to virtually every medical emergency, and they want to make sure they're included as the Moderna vaccine rolls out this week. Most of the nearly 40,000 people in Wisconsin who have received the first dose of the vaccine are hospital workers. Wisconsin's emergency medical responders — paramedics, firefighters, EMTs and even police officers, in some cases — are also part of that first group, known as 1A. Milwaukee County firefighter Jerry Biggart, who is part of the of the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin, said they're responding to unpredictable medical calls almost daily yet almost none of them has received a vaccine.


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