Ozaukee County fire departments answer more calls with fewer people

  • Source: WITI-TV FOX 6 Milwaukee
  • Published: 03/14/2021 07:36 PM

Nine fire and EMS departments in Ozaukee County are answering more calls with fewer people, according to a new report from the Wisconsin Policy Forum, which says the system needs repair -- and soon. If not for a strong working relationship, the situation could be even worse. Departments like Grafton have mutual aid agreements in place. They'll automatically provide help when called for, but with fewer people available to actually take those calls, response times and capability become an issue. With just five full-time employees on staff, including himself, Grafton Fire Chief William Rice says he worries about response capabilities all the time. "There are many days in this community and all communities in Ozaukee County where we struggle to just get one engine out the door," said Chief Rice.


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