Staff from the two fire stations in Shoshone County have made up the Shoshone County Ambulance Service District since the Shoshone Board of County Commissioners signed the new agency into reality in June 2020.
But even though the former version of EMS services, the Emergency Medical Services Corporation, worked together to cover the county medical calls, the Shoshone County Fire District No. 1 and No. 2 always kept their fire/EMS staff separate.
Shoshone County Fire District No. 2 Chief Scott Dietrich and Shoshone County Fire District No. 1 Chief John Miller sat down Monday to go into what they’re calling a “big culture shift” for the way they’re coordinating emergency services in the county.
“Before this last year, the two fire districts didn’t cooperate as much as they could have. Now we’re doing lots of joint training. We agree that this is an important partnership. Almost all of our (emergency) responses, if it’s needed, we’re including both agencies,” Dietrich said.