9 People Displaced in Overnight Worcester Fire

  • Source: WBTS-TV NBC 10 Boston
  • Published: 11/29/2021 12:00 AM

A man allegedly attacked an officer with scissors, lit his apartment on fire and refused to leave the building, prompting a standoff with police overnight in Worcester, Massachusetts. The triple-decker apartment building, located at 6 Moen Street, was charred and damaged after the fire broke out around 12:30 a.m. Monday. Luis Ramirez, 25, was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, four counts of attempted murder and arson. Bernard Jones, who lives on the top floor of the building, told NBC10 Boston that the fire started after an argument between police and Ramirez, who lives on the second floor. "I heard banging, the next thing you know I look outside, the cops are chasing my neighbor around, he went in the house, next thing you know, the house is on fire," Jones said.


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