Update: Kalispell hotel fire estimated at $4 million in damages, losses

  • Source: NBC Montana
  • Published: 04/12/2024 12:00 AM

VIDEO: The Kalispell Fire Department revealed on Thursday the fire at the Quality Inn in Kalispell left an estimated $4 million in damages and losses. Fire Chief Dan Pearce sent a statement to NBC Montana, saying crews stayed on scene until noon Thursday due to the fire's size and to monitor hot spots. Officials say the property was released back to the owner, who is working on a plan to restore the building with insurance companies and adjusters. Pearce plans to work with the owners of the motel on how best to move forward with cleanup and to work out when tenants can pick up their belongings. Kalispell Fire Department released the following information: “At 12:00 pm today all Kalispell Fire crews have left the scene. It was an approx. 24 hours scene time due to the size of the fire and to make sure all hot spots were extinguished.”


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