Storms move away but lots of damage seen, reported in Raleigh

  • Source: WRAL-TV CBS 5 Raleigh
  • Published: 08/13/2019 08:36 PM

The system that brought damaging wind, lots of rain and hundreds of lightning strikes is moving away from the WRAL viewing area. Left behind are many areas that lost power, trees that were brought down by strong winds and other damage. WRAL meteorologists Aimee Wilmoth and Kat Campbell report power lines down in Clayton, trees down in Franklin, Halifax and Warren counties and wind damage in many locations. Over in Nash County, trees came down on at least two homes. In fact, officials said they received seven calls in nine minutes for assistance from the storms and the damage it caused. "Clouds were all dark and all of the sudden it just came pouring down and the wind was blowing everything sideways," said Betsy Owens, who lives in Nashville and had damage to her home. "I have big old trees in my yard so my heart was kind of beating fast too."


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