Volunteer fire departments getting grant relief from Dominion Energy

  • Source: WNCT-TV CBS/CW+ 9 Greenville
  • Published: 04/11/2024 11:54 PM

Volunteer fire departments across the state are getting some much-needed assistance. A $25,000 grant from Dominion Energy has been made available to volunteer fire departments across the northeastern counties of North Carolina. Volunteer fire departments can get some help from their counties, but the $25,000 grant from Dominion Energy helps ease the strain of some of those repeated costs. “Anytime that we can work with an outside entity and get them funding, it takes pressure off of having to do pancake suppers, barbecues, breakfasts fundraisers, most of those departments rely strictly on donations some have small contracts agreements with the county that they reside in but the majority of that the volunteers not only protect their community but they have to spend the majority of their time raising funds,” said Ed Brinson, deputy director with the North Carolina State Firefighters Association.


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