Scottsbluff Fire Department is prepared for infectious disease and storm

  • Source: KSNB-TV NBC 4 Scottsbluff
  • Published: 03/18/2020 12:00 AM

Scottsbluff Fire Department is prepared to handle the coronavirus pandemic as well as the impending snow storm. Fire Chief Tom Schingle details they have an infectious disease protocol in place for instances such as we are seeing in the coronavirus outbreak. They continue to clean the equipment after each use and are ensuring others receive the most up-to-date information. They look over the protocol once a year and have ongoing trainings throughout the year. Chief Schingle added they may approach a call a little differently but they will continue to report on all calls that come in. As for the upcoming winter storm the Panhandle is expected to see, Chief Schingle states they will take similar steps they took last year. He believes the heavy snow could cause power outages and potential for downed powerlines.


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