Grand Island fire officials say cluttered homes are dangerous in emergency situations

  • Source: KSNB-TV NBC 4 York
  • Published: 04/15/2024 12:00 AM

Fire officials with the Grand Island Fire Department are encouraging people to declutter their homes when spring cleaning. Fire officials said clutter in front of windows and doors make the job of a firefighter twice as hard due to the lack of space and exit routes. Battalion Chief Scott Kuehl said fighting a fire in a cluttered or hoarder home creates a whole new dangerous set of challenges for firefighters during a fire. ”That makes it more difficult to find the seat of the fire,” Kuehl said. “It makes it more difficult for firefighters to find a victim if there is a victim and it makes it more difficult for the outside crew because if there’s a situation where there’s a rescue, firefighters are trained to find the nearest exit. Well, most of these exits are windows and doors and those could be covered by clutter.”


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